Post by alexander wyatt. on Oct 25, 2009 12:36:58 GMT -5
introducing the infamous
the average student hailing from paris
oh, my family... the things i cal tell you about them - there was this one time before my pops died, obviously, it was christmas eve and a bunch of family had come over to eat at our house for dinner. you know, the whole huge dinner. my family does it differently. we make a big deal about christmas eve. the leftovers are for christmas day haha. anyway, i just remember that every single christmas, every thanksgiving, everyone always had the same bright smile on their face. i had never seen anyone so carefree before. my parents just do that to people. my dad did that to people. they're capable of putting smiles on peoples faces whenever and wherever. it's incredible.
the house i grew up in was in dallas, texas. it was this medium-sized house, but there was an awesome backyard in the back to play in. i would spend most of my time in there playing guitar or passing a ball back and forth with my dad. ever since we moved to paris, it's this slightly bigger house. it's absolutely nicer, but whatever. i miss texas, i'm not gonna lie. but, it's just a house. i'm barely in it much anyway since i'm always out living my own life.
my first memory of music is the night that my dad just stopped telling me bedtime stories and moved to letting me listen to music. he put on some stevie wonder to try to get me to fall asleep, but i just wouldn't. not because i hated it. because i loved it so much. it was impossible to fall asleep to such brilliant music and after a short while it was even more impossible because i was constantly finding myself singing along. i was about six years old. it went from stevie wonder to elvis costello to anyone you could think of. my dad had some damn good taste.
the three words that define me are a drunk, short-tempered, humorous.
the greatest moment of my life was when i first performed on stage. . it wasn't huge or anything. it was over at some little cafe in dallas, but it's incredible how news gets around. i told one of my friends, they told theirs. that little thing was packed, but damn.. it felt so good being up there doing what i know i do best.
the best thing about paris is ... i'm probably going to have to get back to you on that. this place can be alright, but it's just.. it's not for me.
the favorite place is the park. i know that might sound a bit fucking retarded coming from me. but, that's what my favorite place is. i don't care where i am or what park it is, just as long as it's a park. there's something about them that i just really like. and.. that's all there is to it.
it's not fashionable but aside from my music, i write. i write a lot, but i've never told but one person. that's not what isn't cool though. it's just that when i write, i tend to chain smoke a hell of a lot and drink way too much black coffee. my room starts smelling like shit cigarettes along with my clothes and i run up and down the stairs to make more and more coffee. it's stupid.
you may not know it but, i write. haven't told many people and never will. i also have a bit of a problem with drinking.. what? what the fuck. no. it's not a problem. people just think it's a problem because i enjoy doing it. i mean sure, i might drink a bit more than other people and yes, it gets me involved in quite a bit of shit, but come on. it's not that big of a deal.. i haven't had a drink in about a week and a half though.. since december caught me at that party, i just.. i don't know.
the person that changed my life my dad. he was everything a man should be and he tried to teach me how to be a good kid. he tried really hard and i learned a lot from him, but right now.. i just don't see a point in being any kind of a gentlemen.
my role model in life my dad. again. for the same reasons.
i'm in love with music and writing.
my motto in life is 'do whatever the fuck you want.'
how did we ever exist without booze? or cigarettes?